Leadership Progression


These courses are recommended for students interested in developing their communication and leadership skills. Students will be involved in research, writing, presenting and participating in activities helping others around campus and in school events.



Mr. Nichols

Mrs. Rooney

6th Grade Courses


Research & Decision Making 1700060Z: (Sem.)  

Students will work on their reading fluency and endurance through integrated experiences in the language arts. This course incorporates reading and analysis of literary and informational selections to develop critical and close reading skills. Students will be consistently challenged with increasingly complex text.


Speech & Debate 1 1007025Z: (Sem.)

Students learn the art of evidence-based discussion, how to form arguments, and learn the skill of public speaking.

7th Grade Courses


Research & Decision Making  1700060Z: (Sem.)

Students will work on their reading fluency and endurance through integrated experiences in the language arts. This course incorporates reading and analysis of literary and informational selections to develop critical and close reading skills. Students will be consistently challenged with increasingly complex text.


Creative Writing  1009025Z: (Sem.)

Students write for creative expression, develop personal writing style, and enhance their vocabulary in a variety of literary forms such as plays, poetry, and dramatic narratives in individual and collaborative setting.


Peer Counseling 1400000Z: (Sem.)

Students will develop basic knowledge and skills in communication, meeting human needs, and conflict resolution (e.g., listening, questioning, feedback, paraphrasing, nonverbal communication, nonjudgmental response).


 Leadership Skills Development  2400300Z: HS (Yr.) 

Students learn leadership skills, parliamentary procedure, organizational theories and management, problem solving, decision making, communication skills, group dynamics, time and stress management, public speaking, human relations, public relations, and team building, Students also assist with community projects such as Angel tree, etc.

Students must have earned C’s or above in core classes, obtained teacher recommendation, and completed online application required.

8th Grade Courses


Creative Writing  1009025Z: (Sem.)

Students write for creative expression, develop personal writing style, and enhance their vocabulary in a variety of literary forms such as plays, poetry, and dramatic narratives in individual and collaborative setting.


Peer Counseling 1400000Z: (Sem.)

Students will develop basic knowledge and skills in communication, meeting human needs, and conflict resolution (e.g., listening, questioning, feedback, paraphrasing, nonverbal communication, nonjudgmental response).


Peers/Partners Learning (Paw Pals)  1400340Z: (Sem.)

Students assist other students with disabilities in Access PE classes.

 Students must have obtained FAST Reading Level 3 or higher, obtained all “A/B” in all core classes, have no discipline referrals, obtained PE teacher recommendation, and obtained grades A/B in all classes. Online application required.


Leadership Skills Development  2400300Z: HS (Yr.) 

Students learn leadership skills, parliamentary procedure, organizational theories and management, problem solving, decision making, communication skills, group dynamics, time and stress management, public speaking, human relations, public relations, and team building, Students also assist with community projects such as Angel tree, etc.

Students must have earned C’s or above in core classes, obtained teacher recommendation, and completed online application required.